Showing posts with label Catholic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Catholic. Show all posts

Sunday 12 May 2013

Is a Mother’s Life Her Own?

Is it true that once you have a child, you life is not your own?
A child’s whole world revolves around his mother for at least 3 years. In fact infants have no sense of an identity separate from their mother till after the “terrible two” are over. The bonding  between mother and baby is incredible; a baby’s cry is specifically designed to upset and jump-start  Mum into rushing to her infant. The milk let down reflex is even triggered by a cry which can be embarrassing if we dawdle.
This is not social conditioning; new mothers are startled to discover the joy, strong bonds and fierce protective instincts that spring into action the moment they hold their newborn. I had never held a baby, felt completely inadequate but the moment I cuddled my first-born I WAS a mother.
The first 20 minutes are crucial; having Dad in the birthing room and holding their new offspring is the reason fathers are more active in child rearing. I do not believe it is because 0f feminist influences. It is because fathers have bonded with their babies.
And the baby is wired to start this bonding practice. Nurses will point out to new parents that their newborn quickly turns towards the voices of their mother, father, siblings and even grandparents. Babies are focused on eyes and faces. Initially they can only see for about 8″ which is how far Mother’s face is while they nurse and are held.An infant’s rooting reflex kicks into gear moments after birth. Not only that, their instinctual hand grip is almost impossible to pry open.
This is not some anti-feminist rant. Even rabbits have an almost mystical bond with their babies. Baby bunnies put into a  water proof cage were submerged 50 feet down in a body of water yet the mother rabbit KNEW exactly when they woke up and cried out for her.
A demanding role for mothers but the sheer joy that comes with the job is incredible. There is nothing like it.
Scripture: John 12:24-26
24 Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.  25  He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.
By dying I did find life in Him. 

Saturday 23 February 2013

Delight in the little Ones

Tell us about your Moments of Grace from this past week.  Where did you and God finally meet up in your day to day?

One of  my daughters  just had her first baby, a boy who looks just like his Scottish grandfather and his father. Declan ( Gaelic meaning Good Man) looks exactly like both of them. No mistaking this little fellow for a girl!
Last Sunday, when  he was 12 days, all sixteen of us gathered for another daughter's birthday. It was a celebration of joy, laughter and grace. All we did was take turns holding Mary’s new born and laughing with our 18 month old granddaughter.
Both babies were THE centre of attention. We were all enchanted, delighted and happy to simply enjoy these little ones.When parents love and rejoice with every new birth and delight in the antics of their babies, older children are formed to love and respect new life.
Take Eva's Dad,  our son, for example.
Just after his daughter’s birth, my son turned to his dad and said,
”Dad, I think that this is the best thing that I have ever done in my life.”
And as his little daughter lay sleeping on his chest, Daniel said,
”Now I know why you and Dad had so many Kids.

Thursday 13 December 2012

Are You More Like an Ant Than a Christian?

photo from Rajan's Bog
Sometimes the activities of man  remind me of ants. Ants scurry about, eyes trained on the ground, fixated solely their own tiny society. Often this narrow view-point leads to disastrous results, with whole colonies wiped out of existence when the macrocosm surrounding them crashes into their little world. It is impossible to communicate with an ant. Any offer of help frightens them because anything that intrudes into their microcosm is a threat.ground before them, hauling loads of food that are bigger than they are. They are completely oblivious to the world around them.
I have often thought that much our life resembles the life of an ant. I run around busy with tasks, keeping my nose to the  proverbial grindstone, oblivious to the realities of the rest of human society never mind the universe. When nature or the Spirit tries to break through to help me, I panic, feel threatened and run away, returning to labour in my little microcosmic prison where I feel safe. My earnest striving is counter productive because it isolates me from larger realities that surround me.
Fortunately, God was and is creative enough to find ways to reach us. He only needs a sliver of an opening in my heart, a quick glance in His direction or a fleeting thought to make a connection with me. In fact God became one with all of us, in a sense he became the equivalent of an ant, so he could speak, touch, love and become visible to"ants" on earth