Showing posts with label Liebster Blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Liebster Blog. Show all posts

Thursday 16 August 2012

Surprise! Fellow bloggers spread encouragement with the Liebster Blog Award

Thank you to Behind The Smile the author of   for the privilege of the Liebster Blog award. It made  me smile. She is a brave woman who says, "I only hoped my experiences and thoughts may resonate and be of some help to others who wear their smile but have illness or struggles to deal with behind the smile." 

As a recipient of the award it is now my privilege to pass this on to other bloggers. The Liebster award rules are as follows (If you so choose):

1) Answer eleven questions. 
2) Think of eleven questions of your own to ask.
3) Choose eleven worthy bloggers (who have fewer than 200 followers) to pay the award forward to.

My answers to Behind the Smile's questions
Q1. Who is the person who has influenced your life the most and why?

If I I had to pick only one HUMAN who has influenced me the most, it would have to be my husband because he completly changed the course of my life.  I think that there is a sneaky plot in the heavenlies that picks out a soul mate specifically for the purpose of chipping off our rough edges.

Q2. Do you have a saying or a quote which is your favourite and you refer to often?
Yep!One in four people are mentally unbalanced.
                                               Think of three friends.
                                               If they seem fine,
                                               You’re the one.

Q3. What is your greatest fear?
The deepest, almost non-verbal fear is that I am unlovable and not good enough .

Q4. If you could turn back the clock what would you change? If anything?
My husband and I have suffered many "catastrophies" but they  shattered illusions and our egos, bringing us to a place where we turned to His Love.

Q5. What do you do to be kind to yourself?
No matter what I always have a good, strong cup of tea and I always manage to hack out a garden,  In university I once was given a load of manure for my poor excuse of a garden as a BIRTHDAY PRESENT!! That would actually be a load of sh--.

Q6. Name two positive attributes/gifts you have? 
I can disarm most people and give them the chance to relax and warm up during a conversation. I also have been given an infectious gift of joy that bubbles up in spite of myself when I am with others.

Q7. Name one new skill you would like to learn? 
How to drive a car.

Q8. Do you attend church? If so what do you like about your church?
Yes. Lots wrong with my denomination but I treasure the Eucharist, the presence of Jesus in the host.

Q9. What are you thankful for?
My husband and my kids, the gift of joy,  the power of forgiveness and mercy in relationships.

Q10. What makes you smile?
People and our foibles.
Q11. Why do you blog?
I have so many stories bottled up inside, I did not want to forget them and as I write, more rise up. I am surprised by what comes out as I write. It is a source of great joy and I become so engrossed in writing that when I come back to the present moment, I am hungry, thirsty and aching everywhere

The following are my Liebster Award Winners in random order, Congratulations!





Now the FUN part. MY questions

1. Who are you writing for (besides yourself) when you write?

2. How did you come up with the title of your blog?

3. What are off limits on your blog and why?

4.Have you ever offended anyone with your blog and would you care if you did?

5. What makes you laugh?

6.What makes you cry?

7.What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?

8.What's the funniest thing you've ever seen?

9.What advice would you give new bloggers?

10.What are you grateful for?

11. What quality do you like in others? In yourself?